Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sewin Results

Last night's sewin was a success!

I was able to sew and press 96 hst for the Freckled Whimsey quilt along. Now I just have to square them all up.

I also made three cross blocks to help Lucia with a quilt for a friend of hers. He's 32 and was just diaganosed with stage 4 colo-rectal cancer! Check out her blog for more info, pics of blocks made here.

My niece's b-day still haunts me!



  1. Stumbled across your blog from the fabulous Karrie Lynn! Great stuff you have here! I joined her quilt along too but all I have is my fabric so far, hopefully I'll get started next week :0

  2. Looks like you're doing an awesome job! A little here, a little there, and then - wham... project accomplished. (If only I could remember that!)
